
Lots of sanding will be needed...

It works so well!

Sleek & Smooth!
During the summer I found myself wishing that I had a speaker system so I could play my music outloud while I worked, so instead of going to BestBuy or searching through Amazon I decided to make my own. Speak is a portable, USB-powered speaker system with a smooth 3D-printed enclosure. With the shape of the system in mind, the enclosure was designed around a large speaker in SolidWorks and then printed on a Stratasys Dimension.
To avoid wrapping the cables around the speaker during transportation, a small sliding door was designed into the base to allow for storage of the wires in the enclosure. Sand paper was used remove the print lines from the exterior of the shell and gave the enclosure the look and feel of carved ivory. The last step is to layout the board for more sucessful circuit design in Eagle and cut on a PCB prototyping machine at school, solder the components and voilà !